Wudang San Bao founded by Dominique Robin in 2006 is based in Paris, France and dedicated to Wudang Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong through classes and workshops
The Masters

Wudang Tai Chi Chuan was founded in the 50s in Hong Kong by ChengTin Hung (1930-2005) who had been trained by his uncle Cheng Wing Kwong and master Qi Min Xuan. He devoted his life to the development and transmission of the martial practice of Tai Chi. Martial arts journalists qualified his art as Practical Tai Chi Chuan. Nowadays in Hong Kong his style is also known as Cheng’s style.

Dan Docherty has been taught by Cheng Tin Hung during 9 years and has been his disciple for more than 20 years. In 1980 he represented Hong Kong in the 5th South East Asian full contact competition in Malaysia where he won the Open Weight division. Since his return to London he diffuses Pratical Tai Chi Chuan through seminars and camps in the UK and all over Europe . He also has studied and translated Chinese Classics. Author of Tai Chi books “Instant Tao”, “Complete Tai Chi Chuan”, “Decoding the Classics for Modern Martial Artist” and recent “Tai Chi Bible”, as well as a large range of articles partly distributed in Combat magazine, Dan is co-founder of the European Tai Chi and Qi Gong Federation (TCFE) and its current Chairman. Dan is also Chairman of the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain and organiser of the Festival of Chinese Martial Arts & British Open Tai Chi championships. In 2010 he organised the 5th Taijiquan & Qigong Federation for Europe competition.
The teacher

Dominique Robin started practicing Wudang Tai Chi Chuan in 1996 under Patrice Becker then under elder sisters Isabelle Boitière and Armelle Malfilatre as well as elder brother Michel Naepels. She receives direct teaching of Dan Docherty (GB) since 2000 and regularly follows his seminars in France and abroad as well as Godfrey Dornelly’s (GB) and Torben Rif’s (DK) workshops.
She has extended her deeper approach to internal arts through Systema trained with Khosrow Helly and Yi Chuan (mind boxing) taught by Vuong Tek Meng. She has also attended seminars with Vladimir Vassiliev (Systema), Wang Wenyong (Shuaijiao), Allen Pittman (Body Wisdom and Bagua Zhang), Hino Akira (Budo) as well as private sessions with Wei Zu Zhu (Yi Quan) in China. However Wudang Tai Chi Chuan remains her main focus, as well as Qigong she’s been practicing for more than a decade.
She has won gold medals in French and European taolu competitions (solo and group) especially with weapons which represent her favorite aspect of Tai Chi.
Dominique is a certified full time Tai Chi and Qigong teacher with National Professional Diplomas.
She teaches adults and senior citizens in different structures of Paris and now in Brittany (35). She had been teaching kids for 5 years.